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*聖子—耶穌基督是首生的,在萬有之先,原與神同等,聖子耶穌由聖靈感孕,藉童貞女而生,成為 人子,為世人的罪被釘死在十字架上,第三天復活,成就了大能的救恩,使世人因信稱義得永生, 是神與人之間唯一的中保,復活後升上高天的主耶穌將要再來。

*聖靈—聖靈是保惠師,使人能知罪、悔改、重生、成聖及永住在信徒心裡,引導信徒進入真理, 是信徒生活、工作及能力的源頭



⬥我們確信聖經都是上帝所默示的,且原文正確無誤,也是我們信徒道德生活及教會執行紀律的唯一 依據及最高權威,而教牧領袖必須忠於聖經原意作解釋及應用(提後3:16-17;彼後1:19-21)。

⬥我們確信上帝創造男或女兩種性別,並且設立「婚姻」為一男一女之間獨有的結合和誓約,為人類正常性行為的管道,也是人類繁衍的方式。聖經明確教導,最合神心意的「家庭」乃由異性父母及子女組 成,且須各盡本份與責任。(創1:27-28、2:24;弗6:1-4)

⬥We believe that there is only one triune God, the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.

*Father God – He is the Creator of all things, and is omnipotent, righteous, holy and loving.

*Son Jesus – He is the firstborn over all creation, with equal dignity and power with the Father, born of the virgin Mary through the conception by the Holy Spirit to become man, died on the cross for the sin of all human, and was bodily resurrected on the third day to fulfill God's salvation, so that all whom believe can be saved by faith. He is the sole mediator between God and human, and though has ascended to heaven but will return again one day for the believers.

*Holy Spirit – He is the Comforter, indwelling in all believers, helping them to understand their sins and to repent, enabling them to understand God’s truth, and empowering their life and ministry.

⬥We believe that all people have sinned and resulted in eternal separation from God and can only be saved by receiving eternal life through the salvation of Jesus Christ.

⬥We believe that Jesus Christ is the Head of the universal church and His Body comprises of all born-again believers, living and serving together and to bear witness for Him.

⬥We believe that all scripture is inspired by God and it’s the only authoritative source for the faith, practice and discipline of the church and life of all believers, and that the church leaders must adhere to the Bible’s original intent for exposition and application.

⬥We believe God created human to be either male or female and has instituted “marriage” as the exclusive covenantal and sexual union between one man and one woman. Such union is a lifetime commitment, and is for the pro-creation of humankind. A “family”, as undeniably taught by the bible, consists of opposite-sex parents and their offspring, with each member serving different role and function.



To build up Chinese Christian families in Tri-Valley with the Word of God, and pass down the love and teachiing of Jesus through generations.