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2023 9/2-4 勞動節聯合退修會 (北區、三谷)


黃儉昌牧師出生於香港。1987 年從加拿大加爾頓大學取得物理學博士學位後,在電訊公司 Bell‐Northern Research 做電子工程研究工作。因蒙召便往達拉斯神學院接受裝備。1996 年獲神學碩士 ThM 後,在灣區的溢樂華人浸信會、屋崙華人自理浸信會牧養教會多年,專注講台事奉和傳福音訓練,並在亞洲從事釋經講道培訓。2021 年加入聖言講道研經學院。現任副院長兼教務主任,主力教授釋經講道、希臘文和希伯來文等課程。業餘時間喜愛從事粒子物理學和宇宙論的研究。

黃牧師與師母 Mary 育有兩位女兒:Evangeline、Pauline。

Theodore Ma

Theo and his wife Dorothy both grew up in the Bay Area, but met at UCLA during their undergraduate studies. There they shed their loyalties to the Bay, having been convinced by the tacos that Los Angeles is better after all. But God, in his wisdom, has brought Theo and Dorothy back to Berkeley to serve Vinewood CFC and the community, which they do with great joy. Theo received his M. Div. from The Master's Seminary, and is eager to preach the Word and to cultivate a love for the Scriptures among the church family. When he isn't studying, writing, or meeting with church members, he is enjoying beautiful things like men's clothing, specialty coffee, music, properly-cooked meats, and sunsets.

主題: 為主發熱心
日期 內容 錄音
9/2 4:30 – 5:45 pm 專題講座 # 1「誰是神所揀選的屬靈領袖」(創 37:1-11) ∼ 黃儉昌
9/2 7:50- 8:50 pm 信息 # 1「為何為主發熱心?」 (太 13:44-46) ∼ 黃儉昌
9/3 9:30-10:30 am 信息 # 2 (英 -> 中)「讓基督的愛戰勝你的世俗」(啟 3:14-22) ∼Theodore Ma 譯員:北區
9/3 10:45-11:45 am 信息 # 3「什麼是為主發熱心?」(腓 1:3-8) ∼ 黃儉昌」
9/3 4:30- 5:45 pm 專題講座 # 2「誰是神所使用的屬靈領袖」(創 39:1-23) ∼ 黃儉昌
9/3 7:50- 8:50 pm 信息 # 4「為主發熱心的動力」(林後 5:14-15) ∼ 黃儉昌
9/4 9:30-10:30 am 信息 # 5 (英 -> 中)「為聖潔發熱心」(尼 13 章) ∼Theodore Ma 譯員:傅玉雲
9/4 10:45-11:45 am 信息 # 6「如何為主發熱心?」(羅 1:14-16) ∼ 黃儉昌